Room with a View - Fine Art GalleryRoom with a View - Fine Art Gallery
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Allan Morgan

Allan Morgan

Born in 1952, Allan sold his first work through a gallery at just 15 years old. After five years of study at Swansea and Coventry (Lanchester) Art Colleges, he graduated with a BA in Fine Art (Painting) and embarked on a career as an illustrator in publishing.
His professional painting career focused on realist landscape painting. He has recently extended his style to encompass a more "colourist" approach. The basis of his inspiration remains largely his love of light, colour and atmosphere in landscape. Having formerly spent many years living near the coast, he regularly returns to this subject matter.
His home in the border county of Powys gives huge inspiration and his very British combination of bright cornfields, or bold poppies with dark brooding skies adorn many a living room.
Each piece is painted with care and intensity and the mid-ground gives rise to exquisite detail with tiny farms and villages hidden amongst the trees, simultaneously allowing the viewer to feel familiarity and comfort in the scene.
The vibrant colour of the fields and the promise of an unexpected ray of sunshine is enough to hold your gaze in the hope of seeing just such a change...

24 - 26 Warwick Street, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 3DJ

Opening Hours: Monday & Tuesday CLOSED, Wednesday to Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am - 4.30pm | Other times by appointment